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Why study in Australia

Australia ranks as the best and the most popular destination for travelers across the globe. It also happens to be the most sought-after destination preferred by international students. Australia includes 7 universities, among the top 100 universities across the globe. The Australian government is also an active participant, investing around $200,000,000 annually in international scholarships. The Australian Qualifications Framework, better known as AQF, is a nationwide policy that is devised to ensure that a uniform and recognized progression for education is being carried out. The AQF framework came into existence in 1995 and is inclusive of secondary school, vocational education & training (VET) courses, and higher education. The AQF stands as a primary source between the qualifications and the standard for learning outcomes at every level, so irrespective of your area of study, you can definitely be sure that you will gain formal recognition.

Education System in Australia

The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), stands as a link between the Australian schools, transforming them into one national system. The AQF has affirmed to the students in Australia that the transition from one education level to the next would be swift and happen under a nationally-accredited system.

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An Australian consultant in Kathmandu would also suggest studying in Australia for the swift and easy transition and other related benefits. Our study in Australia will help you to understand all the essential information involved. The sector of higher education in the Australian education system has three main sub-sections, namely, universities, vocational institutions, and English language institutions. School education encompasses primary and secondary, which is a compulsory standard for students between the ages of six and sixteen. According to the Australian Government Education Learning and Development Module, broadly, the Australian Education System can be categorized into four sub-sectors. School education spans about 13 years, which is divided into:

1. Primary School: Starting at foundation or Kindergarten, this is seven or eight years of education through Grade 6 or 7.
2. Secondary School: Four Years of Education through Grades 7 or 8 to 10.
3. Senior Secondary School: Two years of education from Grade 11 to 12
4. Tertiary Education: Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training (VET).

The Australian Government established the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) in 1995. It is a national framework of qualifications that ensures that all the qualifications across the country represent the same standards of education. Under AQF, there are 10 levels that give both national and international students the flexibility to choose their study options.

Academic requirements

The academic requirements are inclusive of proven English language skills. The students who wish to study in Australia depend on their level of education and the level of education they wish to study. Here is some general guidance on the entry requirements for all different levels of study:

English Language – It is an entry requirement that broadly varies between institutions, as well as the level of English language course that you wish to pursue.

Schools – Entry requirements also highly vary depending on the state or territory you will be studying in. Academic performance and ability is considered during the application process.

Vocational Education and Training – It is offered in most cases without an entrance exam. Your overseas education consultant for Australia helps you with the necessary information related to the prerequisites.

Higher Education Undergraduate – To get entry to the prestigious Australian
undergraduate course degrees it is important that the student has an Australian SeniormSecondary Certificate of Education (Year 12), or any of the overseas equivalent degrees. Some of the undergraduate courses might also boast of having specific and pre-requisite subjects.

Higher Education Postgraduate – These courses after satisfactory completion offer at least one degree at the undergraduate level. The institution may take into consideration the relevant work experience or the past record of employment.

Work Rights while Studying

International students that opt to study in Australia on a valid student visa are allowed to work for up to 20 hours per week during the semester and for unlimited hours during their semester break. International students who opt to study for a post-graduate degree through research or relevant Ph.D. degrees are allowed to work for unlimited hours. A regular work week as per Australia’s working norm starts from Monday through the following Sunday. Although students can arrive in Australia 90 days prior to the commencing of their studies, students can’t start to work until after their course starts.
The 20-hour-per-week limit is not the one to be extended and the student would still require to undergo relevant training. Volunteer, as well as unpaid work, counts up toward 20 hours. If you are an international student working more than the allowed hours as per the Australian government, it is considered a breach of the student visa condition and might even lead to a visa cancelation. Our counselor would help and guides you for the whole admission and migration process

Visa requirements

The student’s visa is highly dependent on the choice of course, however, some basic and typical
key requirements that you must meet are:

  • Have an electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) certificate
  • Meet the Genuine Temporary Entrant requirement. Read more about this on the Department of Home Affairs website.
  •  Sufficient funds for airfares, tuition fees and living costs.
  • English language proficiency.
  • Meet health and character requirements.
  • Acceptable Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).

Post Study Work Visa

The Australian student visa stands valid for up till the duration of the course. It allows you to stay in the country for a period of approximately two to three months after the course ends. If you wish to continue staying in Australia even after completing your studies, it is highly likely that you need to get an appropriate visa that allows you to further stay in the country. There are plenty of options that you must consider, even though you stay in the country for quite some time. It is important that you stay up to date with the latest immigration rules, since they may change. Please check www.homeaffairs.gov.au for the latest information.

Temporary Graduate Visa (Subclass 485)

There are two types of visas that you may be eligible to apply for under visa subclass 485. Both are temporary work visas that allow you to work full-time for a defined period of time.

1. Graduate Work stream

This visa offers you full work rights for you as well as your partner for about 18 months from issue. You can apply for this visa only if you fulfill some laid-out criteria, the prime one being the qualification that you hold. It strongly relates to an occupation that lies under the Skilled Occupation List.

2. Post-Study Work Stream

This visa is the one that allows full work rights for you and your spouse for four years. This duration depends on the level of your Australian qualifications. You will only be eligible for this visa if you applied for and were granted your first student visa on or after November 2011, which are as follows:

  • If you have studied for a bachelor’s degree, your PSW visa will be valid for a two-year period.
  • If you have studied for a master’s degree, by coursework degree, your PSW visa will be valid for a two-year period.
  • If you have studied for a master’s degree research, your PSW visa will be valid for three years period.
  •  If you have studied for a doctoral degree, your PSW visa will be valid for four years.
  •  If you are planning to apply for this visa, if you are planning to apply for this visa please be aware of the time your visa may take to be processed.