We've been counseling students for educational Opportunities in Foreign countries.
ACE Educational Foundation is a top overseas education consultancy which guides students from Nepal with their studies and careers abroad for over 9 years. We offer services that help students make the most important decisions of their life, to achieve their goals and future career. The ACE Educational Foundation provides information about various courses from universities and private education providers from all over different countries. Our counseling process has a unique approach when it comes to matching students’ profiles with relevant courses depending on the future demand in the industry at a national and international level.
The team at ACE Educational Foundation comprises professionals who have either studied overseas at top universities or have been in this industry for many years, including citizens and graduates from Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Canada, the UK, and India. The average counseling experience of our team is more than 6 years. Our team not only provides services to
the students when they are in their home country but also assists them upon landing in their destination countries.
ACE Educational Foundation has a team of highly talented visa professionals, who are dedicated to getting our students through the visa process successfully. All the team members within the visa lodgment division receive very rigorous training about Immigration Guidelines, new updates, and policy changes so that they can provide the best outcome possible for our students. The team’s knowledge regarding the Visa Compliances and changes of rules and guidelines is Paramount to ACE Educational and hence a monthly training and assessment is performed for each member of the company to keep their knowledge base up-to-date. This has often resulted in a High Visa Success Rate for ACE Educational and helped us gain the trust of our students, their parents, and other family members. The company’s Website, Blog, and social media pages are extremely popular among students worldwide and we always invite and encourage them to keep themselves updated with our most recent and updated information posted on a regular basis